Our development team has been supporting honor societies since 2011. We understand the challenges you face and make sure you have tools you need to succeed.
Our fees are based on the number of acceptances you have.
This means your success is our success.
OurHonorSociety was founded by a team with over 23 years of combined experience supporting honor societies and have been doing so since 2011. We built this platform on what honor societies valued the most.
Honor socities often struggle to find a society management system that can support and adapt to the changing needs of the industry. We focus entirely on honor societies and actively encourage feedback and suggestions to improve the platform. We mean it when we say were are 'designed by honor societies for honor societies'.
While we try to stay ahead of the curve, we understand new business needs come up all the time. We'll collaborate to scope out your need and identify if it's easily implemented at no charge or requires custom development.
Honor Societies need more today than a simple invitation and member management system. They need a solution that enables them to understand and leverage their data to make informed business decisions.
OurHonorSociety is built around being able to report on almost anything stored in the system. We offer reporting that goes beyond the simple reports you may be used to that help provide insights into things like member behavior, ongoing trends, and chapter activity.
When you have custom reporting needs that our reporting doesn't cover, we'll work with you to get you that data.
Every society has different goals and each chapter has different needs. Our platform makes it easy to:
Here's the team that will support you.
Thank you for your interest with OurHonorSociety. We are currently in the alpha development cycle. If you are an honor society interested in participating in feature development:
Contact Us